Hurrah, Hurrah, it’s a miracle

Its Fixed. Thank you Mr Webmaster Peter (and Justin). Its a little too late at night now to start uploading but here’s a test or two…… and for the uninitiated and unawares this is Albany’s Jewel Cave and the natural arch.   There’ll be more in due course but we have to get through this next weekend of the Winton 10 hour relay race which with  bit of luck may also get a mention in future posts.   This really is a quick test – and it worked!!!!!!

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What Next

I haven’t been posting primarily because I can’t upload pictures and I need the pictures to prompt the words. I don’t remember where we’ve been at times. From Augusta we went north, ultimately to Perth where we spent three weeks in the Webbers back yard and for most of that time we were unwell with pneumonia and the flu. I’m not going to try piecing the journey together yet as our web master is working on a new format which should update the site and eliminate the problem I’m having. Suffice to say we are presently in Adelaide with the Monk-Paynes and will be resuming our homeward journey on the morrow. Until we’re fixed this is a sign off.

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I Forgot

But then whats new. After Ravensthorpe we headed to the Tingle Forest at Walpole and ultimately spent a night in the forest at Pemberton but not until we took a tour on the Pemberton tramway. This of course was before Augusta… We did this last time although I remember the weather was somewhat better then but the journey was still pleasant and informative.This time we got blankets and umbrellas. Last time we passed what was reported to be the “Bunnings” timber mill which this time is in the process of being demolished – so much for the local timber trade. The Karri trees are majestic – our tram driver (Adam) told us they are the third tallest tree in the world after the California Redwood and Victorian Mountain Ash but our tour guide at the Tingle forest suggested that the Tingles were the third largest after the California Redwood and

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Augusta Again

We were here in 2013 and stayed in a park not far from where we are now but we were camped up with two other matching Winnebago Longreachs. We checked – they’re gone. We departed Bremer Bay a while back, headed for Albany where we got into the same park that we were in in 2013 but it is now operated by the RAC and has had a lot of money spent on it. It is very good (RAC Esperance). WA Tourism is very good at providing access to some beautiful natural sites.The Gap and Natural Bridge are just two fantastic examples on the way to the Whale Station out of Albany… . One of the key reasons for coming back to Albany was to revisit the Whaling Station. Operating only from 1956 to 1972 it processed (slaughtered) thousands of whales and along with other  whaling organisations nearly wiped out

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Ravensthorpe to Albany

Info at Ravensthorpe allowed us to access a pooter to book a site at the Fitzgerald River National Park campground. Tough, it was full. But, a free camp at Hopetoun proved to be a viable option. Hopetoun turned out to be a nice little place to stay. Anyway, unhook and into the National Park to catch up with Royalty. We’ve seen these things before, on a previous trip, but Royal Hakeas hold a great fascination for us. Not seen anywhere else but in the south of WA, we actually saw hundreds this time, but these are the best photos of this time ….. They are so valued the cops have arrested this artists impression and have incarcerated it at the station. On the way back to Ravensthorpe for the silo art we found these wonderful artworks….. then the silos… – all very arty-farty. Onto Bremer Bay. Just another dot on

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Here I Am Again

Now I’m not sure where I left off on the last entry cos I’m too lazy to look but suffice to say we are now in Bremer Bay, some 3500 km from whence we left Benalla. Fuel cost to date amounts to $2346 so you can do the sums. But, so far still worth every centime. If I remember correctly we left cocka doodle doo for Norseman where we overnighted in a council free camp along with millions of others (well as many as fitted) then proceeded to Esperance. Esperance as we had earlier discovered is a gem. A really loverly town, beautifully presented with some of the best beaches in the world. The sand is white, pure white. Only negative this time was the mounds of seaweed, but this is probably seasonal and really didn’t affect us at this time in winter. We did however see some hardy souls

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We’ve crossed the Nullabor

We’re now in Norseman WA at the end of the Eyre Highway in an RV park before heading south to Esperance. Not entirely sure why we are heading south as it is already bitterly cold but the white sands hold some appeal. Just out of Victoria (I think) we called into the Serviceton historic railway station  and the Wolsley WW2 fuel storage tanks. I would put pictures in here but I can’t get them up –  technical hitch. Along the way we stopped over in Adelaide to sup with Jane, Justin and Edith and rip an engine out of Suzi 2 (or is that 1 or 6 or what) and perhaps this makes it obvious as to why – very sick little engine (poor thing). Anyway, got out of getting too greasy cos Justin’s engines are otherwise very clean and eventually got away to move west. From Adelaide to Port

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Now I’m Awake

Weellll, more so than I was. Anyway, 24 June came around, Robyn had come down to Benalla to join us on the next journey but my chores weren’t completed so we didn’t get away until yesterday, the 26th. The day was pretty uneventful, stopping for hours in Shepparton to buy a table cover and then God Help Me lunch at a Mcdonalds. But we made Dimboola for a nights stopover in poring rain in which I barbequed but it was all OK. Day 2 and we headed for Adelaide with the plan to dine with the family. Along the way we saw some interesting things and hopefully the photos of said interesting things will in fact be interesting to you our dear reader… Serviceton Station along with prisoner holding cells and bedrooms for staff and a commercial kitchen and a gypsy in the waiting room and a real train (which

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I’ve been sleeping

August 2023. The last post!!!! Where the hell does time go. I suppose when you do nothing, nothing happens worth reporting. BUT – Jude had back surgery in December and this meant that traveling was out of the question for about 6 months. Prior to the surgery traveling was a real problem and this was no more evident than when we traveled north to get to Lawn Hill in FNQ. We set out in June (or was it May) with the very express intent of making Lawn Hill as it was/is a spot on the map that we have had to by-pass on no fewer than 4 occasions. However Jude’s back slowed us down somewhat with many stops to relieve the back pain. We got to Boonah in Qld to catch up with Robyn so she could travel with us onwards, only to find out that Lawn Hill would not

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A Long Time Coming

I’ve been pretty slack over the last couple of years (obviously, I hear you say) but there’s been a few good reasons. A. we’ve hardly done anything exciting, B.we haven’t been well and C. we still haven’t done anything exciting. I didn’t finish the last post as we were about to hit the Birdsville track and whilst we did achieve that goal it wasn’t quite the adventure that we presupposed it might have been. Everything went smoothly, no breakdowns, no tyre letdowns, nothing really to write home about, just dust, dust and more dust. Then we made the Oodnadatta track and it was really just more of the same. The kids found a water hole to splash in and somewhere I have photos of them enjoying it, but Jude and I were too self-conscious to dive in (us old wrinklies). We didn’t make Oodnadatta again due to some broken shockers

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